WEBVTT 1 00:00:05.375 --> 00:00:08.575 Media and Entertainment's Special ESG 2 00:00:28.075 --> 00:00:32.075 Relationship Between ESG and Reputation 3 00:00:32.475 --> 00:00:34.275 Hello this is Sunghoo Moon 4 00:00:34.275 --> 00:00:37.025 Today, I will tell you about media and entertainment's 5 00:00:37.025 --> 00:00:41.075 special ESG 6 00:00:41.075 --> 00:00:45.225 ESG has started from investors' demand 7 00:00:45.225 --> 00:00:49.175 for a firm's achievement and according responsibility 8 00:00:49.175 --> 00:00:53.675 and has settled as a business value and strategy 9 00:00:53.675 --> 00:00:58.375 Then what relationship does ESG and reputation have? 10 00:00:58.375 --> 00:01:01.875 Reputation is a social memory 11 00:01:01.875 --> 00:01:03.475 that people have 12 00:01:03.475 --> 00:01:08.125 At the same time, it's also a mental picture 13 00:01:08.125 --> 00:01:09.975 But this reputation 14 00:01:09.975 --> 00:01:15.925 controls or catalyzes the economic activities between individuals and firms 15 00:01:15.925 --> 00:01:21.224 and an economic structure happens where it decides the added value in the trade chain 16 00:01:21.224 --> 00:01:24.074 I called this economic structure 17 00:01:24.074 --> 00:01:26.274 reputation economy 18 00:01:26.274 --> 00:01:28.724 Now is the era of reputation economy 19 00:01:28.724 --> 00:01:32.524 There are three reasons as to why reputation became important 20 00:01:32.524 --> 00:01:35.774 First is development of social media 21 00:01:35.774 --> 00:01:39.424 Second is activism 22 00:01:39.424 --> 00:01:42.874 Third is the emergence of gen Z 23 00:01:42.874 --> 00:01:45.174 Let's take a look one by one 24 00:01:45.174 --> 00:01:50.024 Social media has had a explosive growth 25 00:01:50.024 --> 00:01:54.574 Social media is an eye that can 26 00:01:54.574 --> 00:01:56.524 see every part of one's life 27 00:01:56.524 --> 00:02:02.824 SNS written in Korean keyboard 28 00:02:02.824 --> 00:02:04.674 becomes 눈, Korean for eye 29 00:02:04.674 --> 00:02:08.274 Now, social media has become 30 00:02:08.274 --> 00:02:13.724 an important tool for people 31 00:02:13.724 --> 00:02:15.274 to share opinions, thoughts, experiences, and perspective 32 00:02:15.274 --> 00:02:20.174 Social media has developed rapidly for the past few decades 33 00:02:20.174 --> 00:02:25.374 and as a result, firms are facing a society 34 00:02:25.374 --> 00:02:29.974 where they are exposed as they are 35 00:02:29.974 --> 00:02:33.774 Now in social media 36 00:02:33.774 --> 00:02:35.724 not who said it 37 00:02:35.724 --> 00:02:38.324 but what was said 38 00:02:38.324 --> 00:02:42.124 started to spread in light speed 39 00:02:42.124 --> 00:02:45.574 According to one global firm's research 40 00:02:45.574 --> 00:02:47.674 a bad news about a firm 41 00:02:47.674 --> 00:02:52.124 was spread to 25% of the whole world within two hours and a half 42 00:02:52.124 --> 00:02:57.124 and to the remaining 75% in the next 24 hours 43 00:02:57.124 --> 00:03:02.324 This is not wrong 44 00:03:02.324 --> 00:03:04.824 and we can see that from the fast spreading digital news 45 00:03:04.824 --> 00:03:08.074 This rapid development of social media 46 00:03:08.074 --> 00:03:12.374 was the first element that brought reputation importance 47 00:03:12.374 --> 00:03:18.124 and second is activism catalyzed by social media 48 00:03:18.124 --> 00:03:21.324 Social media made expressions of activists 49 00:03:21.324 --> 00:03:23.624 very easy 50 00:03:23.624 --> 00:03:28.024 Some activists claim boycotting 51 00:03:28.024 --> 00:03:31.324 in their social media account 52 00:03:31.324 --> 00:03:34.274 or claim buycott 53 00:03:34.274 --> 00:03:37.024 and spread anti-boycott activities 54 00:03:37.024 --> 00:03:40.274 Activists write petitions 55 00:03:40.274 --> 00:03:44.174 and share links, and construct public opinions 56 00:03:44.174 --> 00:03:50.174 Also activism spread awareness of topics 57 00:03:50.174 --> 00:03:53.774 like environmental protection, gender equality 58 00:03:53.774 --> 00:03:57.724 and sexual minority 59 00:03:57.724 --> 00:04:03.123 Next is the emergence of gen Z 60 00:04:03.123 --> 00:04:06.523 Gen Z is called digital native 61 00:04:06.523 --> 00:04:10.423 They also say that babies were born with smartphones in their mouths 62 00:04:10.423 --> 00:04:14.973 Especially, gen Z are more interested than the older generation 63 00:04:14.973 --> 00:04:17.323 in changing the world 64 00:04:17.323 --> 00:04:21.573 and they are also very participatory which makes them prefer fair firms 65 00:04:21.573 --> 00:04:26.223 and ask for responsibility to those that lack it 66 00:04:26.223 --> 00:04:28.973 and act together 67 00:04:28.973 --> 00:04:33.423 These three, development of social media, emergence of activism 68 00:04:33.423 --> 00:04:37.623 and gen Z, reputation has become very important 69 00:04:37.623 --> 00:04:41.873 and this became an important reason 70 00:04:41.873 --> 00:04:43.873 that accelerated firms' ESG responsibility 71 00:04:43.873 --> 00:04:47.123 Reputation effect of ESG 72 00:04:47.123 --> 00:04:49.923 was also mentioned in the report 73 00:04:49.923 --> 00:04:54.023 Who Cares Wins from 2004, the report 74 00:04:54.023 --> 00:04:58.373 where the word ESG was first used 75 00:04:58.373 --> 00:05:01.973 Moreover, these issues 76 00:05:01.973 --> 00:05:05.773 can have a strong impact on reputation 77 00:05:05.773 --> 00:05:11.223 and brands, an increasingly important part 78 00:05:11.223 --> 00:05:12.873 of company value, it claims 79 00:05:12.873 --> 00:05:16.173 ESG reputation has great influence 80 00:05:16.173 --> 00:05:18.573 in firm values 81 00:05:18.573 --> 00:05:23.273 and also in brand image 82 00:05:23.273 --> 00:05:27.623 This also leads some firms 83 00:05:27.623 --> 00:05:30.423 to green wash 84 00:05:30.423 --> 00:05:34.823 Green washing refers to when firms exaggerate their 85 00:05:34.823 --> 00:05:38.023 ESG or make up their ESG 86 00:05:38.023 --> 00:05:40.573 There are many inhibition measures 87 00:05:40.573 --> 00:05:43.223 to green washing 88 00:05:43.223 --> 00:05:45.573 and regulations as well 89 00:05:45.573 --> 00:05:49.573 ESG and innovation 90 00:05:49.573 --> 00:05:53.573 In the sustainable development goals, there is an important word 91 00:05:53.573 --> 00:05:55.423 innovation 92 00:05:55.423 --> 00:05:58.473 ESG value has emerged newly 93 00:05:58.473 --> 00:06:02.073 and ESG business era has just 94 00:06:02.073 --> 00:06:04.623 started a few years ago 95 00:06:04.623 --> 00:06:08.823 so many first are thinking of how to increase 96 00:06:08.823 --> 00:06:13.423 profit and revenue while performing ESG business 97 00:06:13.423 --> 00:06:17.973 The way to perform ESG business well 98 00:06:17.973 --> 00:06:22.423 is innovation in the SDG 99 00:06:22.423 --> 00:06:26.173 We are always thinking of ways 100 00:06:26.173 --> 00:06:30.423 to manage carbon and plastic waste 101 00:06:30.423 --> 00:06:35.023 We are in an era where carbon and plastic waste 102 00:06:35.023 --> 00:06:39.573 must be managed innovatively to protect the environment 103 00:06:40.222 --> 00:06:43.422 There are three ways with the letter R 104 00:06:43.422 --> 00:06:47.272 First is replace 105 00:06:47.272 --> 00:06:50.222 Replace fossil fuel energy 106 00:06:50.222 --> 00:06:54.322 and replace plastic waste 107 00:06:54.322 --> 00:06:57.572 with other products and packaging 108 00:06:57.572 --> 00:06:59.772 But it's not easy 109 00:06:59.772 --> 00:07:04.922 Renewable energy are not as available 110 00:07:04.922 --> 00:07:08.222 as fossil fuel energy 111 00:07:08.222 --> 00:07:12.822 and plastic as well, it is hard to find a replacement 112 00:07:12.822 --> 00:07:15.622 since it is sturdy but light 113 00:07:15.622 --> 00:07:19.772 and also convenient to use 114 00:07:19.772 --> 00:07:23.122 Second is reduce 115 00:07:23.122 --> 00:07:26.822 Reduce carbon and plastic waste 116 00:07:26.822 --> 00:07:31.822 We are working hard, but again, it's not easy 117 00:07:31.822 --> 00:07:36.472 Third is reuse or recycle 118 00:07:36.472 --> 00:07:40.022 Recycle carbon, and plastic as well 119 00:07:40.022 --> 00:07:43.072 Other waste too 120 00:07:43.072 --> 00:07:45.372 We are looking for ways to recycle 121 00:07:45.372 --> 00:07:51.272 There is a music band that 122 00:07:51.272 --> 00:07:53.672 performed this three Rs 123 00:07:53.672 --> 00:07:56.722 It is Coldplay 124 00:07:56.722 --> 00:08:01.522 Coldplay claimed a sustainable low carbon tour 125 00:08:01.522 --> 00:08:03.722 Let's think about it 126 00:08:03.722 --> 00:08:07.622 A world class band going on world tour 127 00:08:07.622 --> 00:08:11.722 What is their ESG issue? 128 00:08:11.722 --> 00:08:14.222 First, they move a lot 129 00:08:14.222 --> 00:08:17.672 so they will emit a lot of carbon 130 00:08:17.672 --> 00:08:21.272 Second, they use electricity in their concerts 131 00:08:21.272 --> 00:08:24.772 so they will burn fossil fuel 132 00:08:24.772 --> 00:08:29.122 Third, during or after their performances 133 00:08:29.122 --> 00:08:34.122 there will be waste 134 00:08:34.122 --> 00:08:38.372 But Coldplay, to solve these three issues 135 00:08:38.372 --> 00:08:42.022 adopted three innovative solutions 136 00:08:42.022 --> 00:08:46.372 First was sustainable transportation 137 00:08:46.372 --> 00:08:50.372 which was using sustainable jet fuel 138 00:08:50.372 --> 00:08:56.222 This sustainable jet fuel is know to be 139 00:08:56.222 --> 00:09:00.472 more expensive than normal jet fuel 140 00:09:00.472 --> 00:09:05.522 but has lower carbon emission 141 00:09:05.522 --> 00:09:10.422 This sustainable jet fuel is made with renewable waste 142 00:09:10.422 --> 00:09:14.622 Second, electricity use 143 00:09:14.622 --> 00:09:18.272 Coldplay did renewable energy concerts 144 00:09:18.272 --> 00:09:21.372 which they generated energy 145 00:09:21.372 --> 00:09:24.722 with solar panels in the stage floors or center halls 146 00:09:24.722 --> 00:09:28.621 and electric dance floor and cycles 147 00:09:28.621 --> 00:09:31.321 that fans could ride to generate energy 148 00:09:31.321 --> 00:09:35.421 to generate the electricity needed for their concerts 149 00:09:35.871 --> 00:09:38.371 Third is waste 150 00:09:38.371 --> 00:09:42.621 and they are cutting waste through recycling 151 00:09:42.621 --> 00:09:46.971 First, the LED bracelets used during concerts 152 00:09:46.971 --> 00:09:52.871 are made with plant based ingredients that are 100% compostable 153 00:09:52.871 --> 00:09:59.021 Second, show props 154 00:09:59.021 --> 00:10:01.671 are retrieved and sanitized 155 00:10:01.671 --> 00:10:04.471 to use in next tours 156 00:10:04.471 --> 00:10:07.471 Confetti used in concerts 157 00:10:07.471 --> 00:10:11.871 are also made with 100% biodegradable material 158 00:10:11.871 --> 00:10:15.621 ESG is a very important value 159 00:10:15.621 --> 00:10:19.521 But to perform ESG 160 00:10:19.521 --> 00:10:22.071 innovative methods are needed 161 00:10:22.071 --> 00:10:26.471 and innovation isn't just made from capital 162 00:10:26.471 --> 00:10:30.571 and effort 163 00:10:30.571 --> 00:10:32.721 As you can see in Coldplay's case 164 00:10:32.721 --> 00:10:40.271 solving small ESG issues that I'm causing 165 00:10:40.271 --> 00:10:46.021 is also a great ESG business and activity 166 00:10:46.021 --> 00:10:50.021 ESG and entertainment 167 00:10:50.021 --> 00:10:53.971 There is a reason why entertainment industry 168 00:10:53.971 --> 00:10:56.071 talks about sustainable development 169 00:10:56.071 --> 00:10:59.821 Let's see the four main reasons why 170 00:10:59.821 --> 00:11:01.421 the entertainment industry talks about 171 00:11:01.421 --> 00:11:05.921 sustainable development and values it 172 00:11:05.921 --> 00:11:08.871 First is environment protection 173 00:11:08.871 --> 00:11:11.221 The entertainment and media industry 174 00:11:11.221 --> 00:11:14.521 is actively developing 175 00:11:14.521 --> 00:11:17.771 environment friendly production methods 176 00:11:17.771 --> 00:11:20.221 like energy saving, use of renewable resources 177 00:11:20.221 --> 00:11:23.721 and cutting waste and carbon emission 178 00:11:23.721 --> 00:11:28.821 This is not just about environment protection 179 00:11:28.821 --> 00:11:32.521 but also an essential strategy for the sustainability of the industry 180 00:11:32.521 --> 00:11:36.971 For example, in the process of film production or game development 181 00:11:36.971 --> 00:11:38.821 reducing electricity use 182 00:11:38.821 --> 00:11:43.671 or using recyclable materials is one 183 00:11:43.671 --> 00:11:46.571 Next is social influence 184 00:11:46.571 --> 00:11:50.371 Entertainment industry can bring 185 00:11:50.371 --> 00:11:53.871 positive social change by contents 186 00:11:53.871 --> 00:11:55.971 that touch on important social issues 187 00:11:55.971 --> 00:12:00.020 like climate change and human rights and spread awareness 188 00:12:00.020 --> 00:12:03.420 It can help people understand environmental issues 189 00:12:03.420 --> 00:12:06.570 through documentaries, films, or games 190 00:12:06.570 --> 00:12:10.470 and for human rights issues as well 191 00:12:10.470 --> 00:12:14.220 These content aren't simply for entertainment 192 00:12:14.220 --> 00:12:16.770 but an important tool 193 00:12:16.770 --> 00:12:19.720 for positive social influence 194 00:12:19.720 --> 00:12:23.820 Third is for economic sustainability 195 00:12:23.820 --> 00:12:27.670 By adopting business model that considers sustainability 196 00:12:27.670 --> 00:12:31.270 media industry can use resources efficiently 197 00:12:31.270 --> 00:12:34.870 and maintain a fair economic structure 198 00:12:34.870 --> 00:12:40.420 For example, cutting costs by environment friendly production method 199 00:12:40.420 --> 00:12:43.320 or fulfilling consumers' demand 200 00:12:43.320 --> 00:12:46.120 for sustainable goods and services 201 00:12:46.120 --> 00:12:50.270 can provide a new opportunity for profit 202 00:12:50.270 --> 00:12:53.570 Lastly, firm's reputation management 203 00:12:53.570 --> 00:12:57.070 Firms can perform social responsibility 204 00:12:57.070 --> 00:12:59.420 through sustainability related activities 205 00:12:59.420 --> 00:13:04.670 and through this, improve firm reputation 206 00:13:04.670 --> 00:13:08.470 Today, consumers pay more attention 207 00:13:08.470 --> 00:13:11.120 to firms' effort for sustainability 208 00:13:11.120 --> 00:13:14.870 and this greatly affects brand image 209 00:13:14.870 --> 00:13:18.520 Therefore, a firm adopting environment friendly policies 210 00:13:18.520 --> 00:13:21.770 and putting effort into performing social values 211 00:13:21.770 --> 00:13:24.320 to gain better reputation 212 00:13:24.320 --> 00:13:29.220 is an essential business strategy 213 00:13:29.220 --> 00:13:34.370 Then let's see how content, entertainment, and media firms 214 00:13:34.370 --> 00:13:38.020 are performing ESG business 215 00:13:38.020 --> 00:13:42.170 through a few case examples 216 00:13:42.170 --> 00:13:45.420 First is Disney 217 00:13:45.420 --> 00:13:52.220 Disney has set a goal that they'll achieve net-zero emission 218 00:13:52.220 --> 00:13:55.670 For this, they are working on various environment friendly policies 219 00:13:55.670 --> 00:13:59.470 and energy saving efforts 220 00:13:59.470 --> 00:14:02.820 Disney also adopted policies 221 00:14:02.820 --> 00:14:05.620 that strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusiveness 222 00:14:05.620 --> 00:14:08.970 to form an environment where all employees have fair opportunities 223 00:14:08.970 --> 00:14:14.170 and people of diverse backgrounds are respected 224 00:14:14.170 --> 00:14:17.520 Next is Netflix 225 00:14:17.520 --> 00:14:21.470 Netflix, along their effort to cut electricity use 226 00:14:21.470 --> 00:14:23.920 has adopted green sets 227 00:14:23.920 --> 00:14:28.720 to minimize the environmental effect in the production process 228 00:14:28.720 --> 00:14:32.520 Also Netflix is constantly producing documentaries and films 229 00:14:32.520 --> 00:14:36.120 dealing with social issues around the world 230 00:14:36.120 --> 00:14:40.869 to spread awareness and promote positive change 231 00:14:40.869 --> 00:14:43.969 Through this, they are taking social responsibility 232 00:14:43.969 --> 00:14:48.619 and spreading social messages through content 233 00:14:48.619 --> 00:14:51.869 Sony, as a part of their ESG management 234 00:14:51.869 --> 00:14:56.869 has established 'Sony Environment Vision' that strengthened renewable energy use 235 00:14:56.869 --> 00:15:00.169 Through this plan they are putting effort into cutting greenhouse gas emission 236 00:15:00.169 --> 00:15:04.719 and building sustainable environment 237 00:15:04.719 --> 00:15:07.269 Also Sony, for better media access 238 00:15:07.269 --> 00:15:09.669 for social minority 239 00:15:09.669 --> 00:15:12.319 are investing in various technological development 240 00:15:12.319 --> 00:15:17.269 Through this, they are expanding access so that everyone can enjoy 241 00:15:17.269 --> 00:15:19.969 Sony's content 242 00:15:19.969 --> 00:15:24.269 Lastly, Warner Bros 243 00:15:24.269 --> 00:15:28.319 Warner Bros are using energy efficient equipment 244 00:15:28.319 --> 00:15:30.619 and promote electric vehicle use 245 00:15:30.619 --> 00:15:35.069 as an effort to protect the environment 246 00:15:35.069 --> 00:15:39.969 Not only that, they are running diversity and inclusiveness strengthening programs 247 00:15:39.969 --> 00:15:43.819 that respect racial, gender, and cultural backgrounds 248 00:15:43.819 --> 00:15:47.919 to form an environment 249 00:15:47.919 --> 00:15:50.319 where all employees can be respected and have equal opportunities 250 00:15:50.319 --> 00:15:54.969 Like this, entertainment, media, and content firms 251 00:15:54.969 --> 00:15:59.969 are contributing to a better future by performing 252 00:15:59.969 --> 00:16:02.569 ESG management, environment protection, and social responsibility 253 00:16:02.569 --> 00:16:06.369 This effort plays an important role in 254 00:16:06.369 --> 00:16:10.469 realizing firms' sustainable development and social values 255 00:16:10.469 --> 00:16:13.119 beyond being just business management strategies 256 00:16:13.119 --> 00:16:16.569 Then what change will ESG activity 257 00:16:16.569 --> 00:16:21.469 bring to the content market in the future? 258 00:16:21.469 --> 00:16:26.969 Let me explain how ESG activity influences content production 259 00:16:26.969 --> 00:16:30.669 and consumption in five main topics 260 00:16:30.669 --> 00:16:34.169 First is increase of environment friendly production 261 00:16:34.169 --> 00:16:36.969 Using cloud based digital solution 262 00:16:36.969 --> 00:16:41.169 energy use in data storage and management are reduced 263 00:16:41.169 --> 00:16:45.169 Through this, the need for physical servers are decreased 264 00:16:45.169 --> 00:16:49.119 and electricity consumption is minimized 265 00:16:49.119 --> 00:16:52.119 Environment friendly approaches are playing 266 00:16:52.119 --> 00:16:54.769 an important role in cutting cost 267 00:16:54.769 --> 00:16:57.119 and forming sustainable production environment 268 00:16:57.119 --> 00:17:02.169 Next is the increase of content with diversity and inclusiveness 269 00:17:02.169 --> 00:17:06.169 Recently, demand for content dealing social issues is increasing 270 00:17:06.169 --> 00:17:10.669 and storytelling with ESG values included are also strengthening 271 00:17:10.669 --> 00:17:13.269 This is beyond simple entertainment 272 00:17:13.269 --> 00:17:15.719 but means that content that 273 00:17:15.719 --> 00:17:18.918 deliver social message and promote 274 00:17:18.918 --> 00:17:21.018 positive change is increasing 275 00:17:21.018 --> 00:17:26.118 Documentaries or movies dealing 276 00:17:26.118 --> 00:17:29.018 human rights, climate change, or gender equality are an example 277 00:17:29.018 --> 00:17:32.318 Third is that support for ESG content firm 278 00:17:32.318 --> 00:17:34.068 is increasing 279 00:17:34.068 --> 00:17:38.668 Brand loyalty of consumers to firms that are 280 00:17:38.668 --> 00:17:42.468 environment friendly and socially responsible are increasing 281 00:17:42.468 --> 00:17:46.118 Through this, firms performing ESG 282 00:17:46.118 --> 00:17:50.368 can gain a better reputation compared to their competing counterpart 283 00:17:50.368 --> 00:17:54.668 and this also contributes to long-term development of the firm 284 00:17:54.668 --> 00:17:59.868 Fourth is strengthened investment to ESG friendly content 285 00:17:59.868 --> 00:18:04.018 Content, entertainment, and media firms 286 00:18:04.018 --> 00:18:06.268 are securing more investment opportunities 287 00:18:06.268 --> 00:18:09.618 as they achieve ESG goals 288 00:18:09.618 --> 00:18:13.168 Investors are more interested in firms with 289 00:18:13.168 --> 00:18:15.018 sustainable business model 290 00:18:15.018 --> 00:18:18.318 and this brings a positive influence 291 00:18:18.318 --> 00:18:20.818 in firms' capital procurement and expansion 292 00:18:20.818 --> 00:18:25.818 Last is content industry's innovation and enhanced competition 293 00:18:25.818 --> 00:18:28.768 To create a sustainable production environment 294 00:18:28.768 --> 00:18:32.318 virtual production technology, cloud based workflow 295 00:18:32.318 --> 00:18:36.368 and AI based editing systems and such are being adopted 296 00:18:36.368 --> 00:18:39.468 These technologies enhance production efficiency 297 00:18:39.468 --> 00:18:42.018 and contribute to cutting carbon emission 298 00:18:42.018 --> 00:18:44.268 Also, use of cutting edge technology 299 00:18:44.268 --> 00:18:46.468 increases content quality 300 00:18:46.468 --> 00:18:49.268 and cuts cost at the same time 301 00:18:49.268 --> 00:18:52.968 In conclusion, ESG activity in content industry 302 00:18:52.968 --> 00:18:54.968 is not just a trend 303 00:18:54.968 --> 00:18:59.318 but brings a structural transformation across the whole industry 304 00:18:59.318 --> 00:19:04.268 Environment friendly production methods, increase of inclusive content 305 00:19:04.268 --> 00:19:07.068 and transition to sustainable business model 306 00:19:07.068 --> 00:19:10.918 will lighten the future of the content market 307 00:19:10.918 --> 00:19:15.568 I ask you, as digital content creator 308 00:19:15.568 --> 00:19:21.268 to also think about your role for ESG 309 00:19:21.268 --> 00:19:22.218 Thank you 310 00:19:22.218 --> 00:19:22.868 Relationship between ESG and reputation 311 00:19:22.868 --> 00:19:23.468 Why Reputation became Important Social media: A platform where you can glimpse into people's daily lives 312 00:19:23.468 --> 00:19:24.118 Activism facilitated by social media The emergence of Gen Z, often referred to as digital natives 313 00:19:24.118 --> 00:19:24.718 Relationship of ESG and Reputation Reputation is a key driver in accelerating a company's ESG responsibilities 314 00:19:24.718 --> 00:19:25.368 ESG and Innovation 315 00:19:25.368 --> 00:19:25.968 ESG Innovation Innovation is a way to perform ESG management well 316 00:19:25.968 --> 00:19:26.568 3Rs: Replace, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle 317 00:19:26.568 --> 00:19:27.168 Directly addressing the issues you create is also a part of ESG management and activities 318 00:19:27.168 --> 00:19:27.768 ESG Examples in Entertainment 319 00:19:27.768 --> 00:19:28.318 Disney: Aims to achieve carbon neutrality across all operations by 2030 320 00:19:28.318 --> 00:19:28.868 Adopts policies strengthening diversity, equity, inclusiveness 321 00:19:28.868 --> 00:19:29.418 Netflix Reduce electricity use, adopt green sets 322 00:19:29.418 --> 00:19:29.968 Constantly produce documentaries or films dealing social issues 323 00:19:29.968 --> 00:19:30.518 Sony Establish Sony environment vision strengthening renewable energy use 324 00:19:30.518 --> 00:19:31.068 Invest in technology development for better media access of social minority 325 00:19:31.068 --> 00:19:31.618 Warner Bros Promote energy efficient equipment and electric vehicle use 326 00:19:31.618 --> 00:19:32.168 Run diversity and inclusiveness strengthening programs that respect racial, gender, and cultural backgrounds